Ali Asghar

Ali Asghar


I am a software developer with three years of experience in Laravel, VueJs, Python, and Java. I have a passion for creating beautiful and user-friendly web applications and enjoy working with both the back-end and front-end aspects of development. In my spare time, I like to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in web development, learn new programming languages, and work on personal projects that are related to Machine Learning and Data Science. I have worked on numerous web applications and software projects over the years and have gained a lot of experience with different programming languages and frameworks. I am confident in my ability to develop high-quality, scalable applications that meet the needs of users. In addition to my technical skills, I am also an excellent communicator and work well in team environments.


Mar 2020 - Continue

Independent Contractor

I am currently an independent contactor that works with local small businesses and international clients that help them solve their business operations and management problems through my developed web app solutions.

Nov 2020 - Jan 2021

DexterCode LLC, Islamabad - Full Stack Developer

I worked here as a full stack developer. Working with Laravel, Codeigniter and VueJS frameworks, I developed valuable commercial applications that served thousands of people, ranging from music web applications to e-commerce centric ones.

Aug 2020 - Nov 2020

Creative Tech Ltd, Islamabad - Full Stack Developer

Hired as a full stack web developer, I maintained and tested several mid size monolith web applications and added features upon changing requirements.

Apr 2020 - Aug 2020

Shades, Bahria Town, Rawalpindi - Full Stack Developer

Employed as a full stack web developer, my responsibilities were developing, testing and deploying small businesses oriented web applications from local to international clients.



Bachelor's degree, Computer Science

COMSATS Institute of Information and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan


Diploma of Associate Engineer

Rawalpindi Polytechnic Institute, Rawalpindi, Pakistan


Programming Languages

PHP, Javascript, Python, Java

PHP Frameworks


Python Frameworks and Libraries

Django, Scikit-Learn, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib

JS Frameworks and Libraries

VueJs, Jquery, D3.js, Three.js

Front-end languages and Frameworks

HTML, Sass, CSS3, Bootstrap, Font Awesome

Dev Tools

Visual Studio Code, Github, Git, Terminal, Postman




MySQL, MongoDB

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+92 303 2360487

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